Välkommen till

( In English further down)

Hos oss kan du boka vad du vill, vi tillhandahåller alla sorters underhållning för dig, din krog, ditt hotel eller företag.

Vi gör även marknadsföring och event till ert företag.

Önskar du event i köpcenter, butiker eller andra stora samlingsplatser så skall du kontakta oss. Vi ordnar allt från konferencierer till underhållning av artister, kändisar samt modeller.

Tveka inte att kontakta oss oavsett din budget, vi skräddarsyr ett paket som passar din budget eller önskemål.

Vi fixar din firmafest, då vi har bra priser på flertalet krogar och hotell. Ett paketpris inkl underhållning.

Där vi även skickar
Svenska flickor till olika världsfinaler som
,Miss Bikini World,Miss International,Miss Earth mfl...
Läs om våra tävlingar: Där ni kan se de tävlande damerna.
Tjejer som vill ansöka kan maila oss på:

Kontakta oss direkt via mail:

+46 70 4955550


Joakim Granberg

Here you can find all kinds of Entertainment, just tell us what you want and give us your budget and we will make a package for you. Go in to our acts and look, or shoose models in


We send girls to the Miss Universe pageant as well.
Cellphone: +46704955550
Best regards,
Joakim Granberg

About Stockholm
Stockholm is one of Europe's leading economic regions with its high concentration of information technology, health care industry and research.

Stockholm is on its way towards creating an ecologically sustainable society, which will serve as an example for other cities. In 1997, Stockholm received the first European Sustainable City Award.

The world’s first national city park
The inner city of Stockholm is encompassed and crossed by a huge green belt, a mighty life-giving lung arching over 10 km, starting at Fjäderholmarna (a small group of islands just south-east of the city) and ending at Ulriksdal (one of the royal parks in the area) to the north.

Sweden is also i the top 3 music/artist producing countries in the World. The music export is the 3rd largest industri in Sweden.

Some Swedish words..smorgasbord=table with alot of strange food.. Snaps=shot of alcohol. Hej=hello.
Vem e du? = Who are you? Snodde du min kottbulle?= did you steel my meetball??
Viking=drunk swedish man.

Site design by: Lars Jahnson. Site programming by: Jonas Norrman ©2004-2025 Starworld Entertainment. All rights reserved!